Meet The Girls: Betty Budgeter

It’s time for another HoopMama Talk.

We just finished a week where people spent a lot of money for Black
Friday shopping and will continue to spend as Christmas gets closer.
Here’s what is about to happen and you may be seeing some of it happen
already. People are budgeting, they’re watching their money and trying
to stretch their pennies.

Here’s some do’s and don’ts for some common situations you’ll see a lot, especially in the next few weeks.

Let me introduce you to Betty Budgeter. Betty wants something for her
kids for Christmas and asks you for a quote. You tell her $35. She in
return says “can you do $20?” You want the sale, but realize you’re not
in the lowball business. But you’re stuck with how to reply.

DON’T: DO NOT APOLOGIZE for your pricing! I see so many posts “I’m so
sorry, I can’t go to $20 but I can do $25?” NOOOOOOOOO!!!! STOP!!!! I
ask Target all the time to lower my total before check out and I don’t
get anything! (Kidding, I don’t ask…I just wish it wasn’t as high) In
fact, it’s on me to use coupons, shop smart, and to use my Target Red
Card for my 5% off.

DO: Without taking it personally reply calmly
with, “At this time, I do not have any current promotions. However, if
you allow me to sign you up for my e-mail list, I do send out a 5% (or
whatever you choose) coupon code for first time customers! Would you
like me to sign you up?” (End your sentence with a question that moves
you FORWARD to an end result. Otherwise, you’ll be going in circles with
her) If she asks you again if you could do $25, do not budge. Reply
with, “as I mentioned, I do not have any promotions at this time. Would
you like me to sign you up for the newsletter?” Usually 2 times will
give them enough of a feel for if you will budge or not.

If Betty says “but it’s just a a wal-mart t-shirt, I can make this myself”

DO NOT: Break down your pricing about what you pay for what! I see so
many posts where the ladies go “I know but I have to buy the shirt,
that’s $5, then I have to buy the vinyl/thread, that’s another $6, plus
the design, that’s $4, plus I have to drive out to Armadillo, TX to get
it which is $27 in gas, so I’m actually losing money doing this *sad
face sad face.*” STAHHHHP!!!! When I read these I cringe! If you’re
doing this as a business, OWN your pricing. You decided on it for a
reason. If you don’t stand firm in it, you will always get “runned-over”

DO: Reply again calmly with “I understand that the pricing is not
something that works for your budget right now. I do stand behind the
quality and craftsmanship of my items and I’m positive you will be happy
with the final product. If it does not work for you right now, please
remember me in the future”

If Betty uses the “so-and-so is selling this same thing for $12” ridiculousness…

DON’T: Talk bad about the so-and-so. Don’t go on and on about how they
use poor products and people complain all the time about them. Just
don’t. Speaking bad about someone else reflects poorly on your
character. It’s best to avoid this at all costs.

DO: Reply with
your benefits rather than their downfalls. “I understand my pricing may
not fit in everyone’s budget. I do use the highest quality materials on
the market to ensure a product that will last for more than one use. My
return customers say that they love my products because of the quality
of craftsmanship and detail. I understand that there are other
businesses who sell similar items to me, but I will stand behind my
products 100% and I would love create this for you. If you would like to
move forward with me, I am positive you will love the final product.”

Betty is pretty gutsy and she may even say “fine, my daughter has a
“cricket” I’ll just have her make it. Where did you get the shirt?”

DO NOT: Cuss her out. 🙂

DO: While blocking or just ignoring is what you want to do, remember…
her “daughter with a cricket” doesn’t have a Cricut, she’s just pinned a
lot of things on Pinterest. Once again reply professionally with a
simple response that clearly shows you are not a teacher/tutor or
advisor. A simple “Thank you for your interest in my shop, if you need
to purchase from me in the future, please let me know

If you are doing this as a business, remember who the boss is and who
makes the rules. You set the tone for the customers you attract. If you
make your prices “work for everyone” then you aren’t really targeting
your business. Betty may not be your ideal client. Betty may be someone
who needs to save for your product. This whole situation is a reflection
of BETTY, not you! Tiffany’s doesn’t apologize that I can’t afford
their 27 karat necklace. If it’s something I wanted enough, I would work
hard and save to make it happen.

Keep that in mind and make sure you are marketing to your ideal client.

NOW, I know a lot of you DO like to help out people and make things
work for their budget. This is where you can use the “if you sign up for
my newsletter, I can offer you x% off”

This gets their
information in your customers list to market to for future products,
sales, and promotions. You NEEEEEEEED an e-mail list! Betty may be out
of money in December, but in April she will remember that you are firm
in your pricing, and she will use her tax return money to splurge in
your shop.

In summary: Don’t apologize, or explain yourself. Be
you. Grow YOUR business and don’t worry about the “other guy.” YOU DO

This concludes today’s HoopMama Talk.

Where do
you start with a newsletter?: Mail Chimp is who I use for mine and
they’re FREE for up to 2000 subscribers!- (AFIL link)

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