Facebook GROUP
Join over 30k like minded crafters! Learn about freebies, sales, new releases, tips for using your designs, growing a craft business, and even just good old motivational talks.
Follow us on Pinterest for craft business tips from my favorite industry leaders!
Follow us on Instagram because… occasionally we pop up over there, too, and do exclusive freebies and giveaways!

Crafters Calendar
I joke that the HoopMama Crafters Calendar is another one of my children. This calendar has daily tips to help you stay on top of holiday and event promotions for you business. This Calendar gets a facelift every year so you can feel confident in planning for your business.
It also includes over $200 HoopMama.com coupons, templates for business growth, a FREE challenge group, and other fun things!

If you want free designs, or if ready to take your business seriously and execute an organized and focused business, then join the HoopMama Bestie Tribe!
Design and Business Plans so you know that one will work perfectly for what your focus is in your craft life.
Doors only open 4xs a year (kind of like any craft room) to the wait list ONLY.