Here’s how to be successful with these packs!

Meet Rus…

Related image

No, not that Rus…. This RUS

1 – REVIEW: 1 Hour

15 Minutes: Gather any other products you currently have, or would like to add to this collection.

15-30 Minutes: Download bundle & make any adjustments to graphics to reflect your website, logo, and branding.

15 Minutes:  Open the newsletter template and edit links and/or updated images and products from your current offerings – SCHEDULE NEWSLETTER TO BE SENT


2 – UPLOAD: 35 Minutes

5 Minutes: Add website slider of choice to
your website. They are made to go in order of “new, sale, last call” so
you are able to change them up as the theme approaches to create

30 Minutes: Upload products
If you’re stuck on descriptions remember to ask these questions. In
fact, you and bullet point them and just answer them as you go!
1. What Is It?
2. Who Is It For?
3. How Does It Fit/ What Is The Sizing?


3 – SCHEDULE: 25 Minutes

25 Minutes: Schedule
out promotions with the social media graphics on Facebook, Instagram
& Pinterest! You don’t HAVE to use them all but you have several to
choose from or even edit to your liking!

Total Time: 2 Hours

RUS is your friend…. he’ll be there for youuu.